Full-Stack development

In parallel to learning games development with Unity, I exerted myself to web development from a long time ago. It all started with pure JavaScript, front-end only project and evolved into full-stack development.

Learning With Text – LWT (2021)

LWT logo
LWT’s logo

Without any doubt my biggest full-stack project so far, LWT is a massive web app that allows you to learn foreign languages by letting you read in the target language. It is open-source at hugofara/lwt.

LessonLearner (2018)

LessonLearner was an Spaced Repetition System I did to learn Japanese words. It was 100% in JavaScript, and already a preface to what will become LWT.

TablatureToScore (2018)

When I learned the guitar it was through tablatures, and I was frustrated not being able to play a tablature on the piano. So I developed a script translating a tablature into a score, and I had fun playing!